Quaderni d'arte italiana

Quaderni d’arte italiana is a quarterly journal that aims at providing a space for investigation and reflection on 21st-century Italian art and its relations with the various Italian and international cultural and socio-political scenes.

The magazine, which is published by Treccani and is available in Italian and English, adopts an analytical approach that seeks to problematise contemporary creation by conceiving it as a privileged tool for reading the present.

The magazine’s articles are published weekly and free of charge in this section and on the digital platform quaderni.online.

The editor-in-chief of the magazine is Gian Maria Tosatti. The editorial board is composed of: Nicolas Ballario, Francesca Guerisoli, Nicolas Martino, Attilio Scarpellini and Andrea Viliani.

The production of the magazine sees the involvement of the curators who collaborate in the various activities of the Quadriennale and external authors.

Below the first previews of the magazine, currently under registration.

"Quaderni d'arte italiana" n. 09, March 2023 #criticism

Issue no. 9 of the quarterly magazine ‘Quaderni d’arte italiana’ entitled #criticism has come out. What is criticism? What is it for? Why do we need it? And even as we see it slowly disappearing from the pages of the newspapers, why should we care? These questions first and foremost have to do with democracy. Discover the articles, published weekly in the form of posts, here. The ninth printed issue of the magazine is on sale at emporium.treccani.

"Quaderni d'arte italiana" n. 06, giugno 2023 #future

Today, when one speaks of the future, one does not speak of hypotheses, imaginations, or dreams: in this present, one speaks of the future as something that is felt to be missing. One speaks of the future as one might speak of the shortage of air after a mining disaster, while waiting for someone to come and pull us out. But it would be hard for anyone to come and pull us out of the present — for apart from us, there is no one else here.
The sixth issue of the magazine, in its printed version, is on sale at emporium.treccani. 

"Quaderni d'arte italiana" n. 05, March 2023 #communiy

We are at the end of a winter in which the figure of the artist has been perceived as alone, independent of the collective intelligence that has always been the form in which art has developed, from the earliest times to the most recent. Art draws vital energies from the encounter of different sensibilities and from the generous spirit in which great insights are shared — from the physical spaces of the ateliers to the literary spaces of manifestoes. Today, shared studios and some artist-run spaces are the places where art once again becomes a collective affair, a dialogue and no longer a series of monologues. Indeed, they do so with the existential delicacy which is characteristic of the younger generation. 
The fiftth issue of the magazine, in its printed version, is on sale  at emporium.treccani. 

"Quaderni d'arte italiana" n. 04, December 2022 #identity

Identity, ontology, poetics. These themes overlap in contemporary ethical and aesthetic reflection, in the time of what an important book by Luciano Floridi termed ‘the fourth revolution’. This means that the digital is emerging no longer as a technology, but as a dimension of politics and of existence itself. This issue of Quaderni d’arte italiana intends to take a journey suspended between two worlds – the universe, and the metaverse – and observe how humanity’s oscillation between these two planes has been registered in artists’ as well as some philosophers’ analyses.
The fourth issue of the magazine, in its printed version, is on sale at emporium.treccani. 

"Quaderni d'arte italiana" n. 03, September 2022 #hystory

Writing History is an act that presupposes a temporal wholeness. The present is History and the future towards which it tends is also History. The production of documents must start out from this awareness. For that to be possible, it is necessary to have a method, but also the courage not to run away from open horizons, and to be able to look them in the eye, wrenching from them the truth that we can read within them. 
The third issue of the magazine, in its printed version, is on sale at su emporium.treccani. 

"Quaderni d'arte italiana" n. 02, June 2022 #popular

In  this issue of the of the journal, we have tried to map out some boundaries that frame the concept of the “popular”, which we are interested in investigating within an interpretative grid that follows the evolution of Western civilisation from its origins. This  small stratigraphic, analysis shows – beneath the walls that constitute the vast edifice of the current idea of the popular – the underlying Roman walls, submerged like roots, and, beneath them, the even more ancient Greek walls.
The second issue of the magazine, in its printed version, is on sale at emporium.treccani. 

"quaderni d'arte italiana" n. 01, April 2022 #italy

The first issue of  Quaderni d’arte italiana titled #italy proposes to reconnect the narrative of contemporary Italian art to on art history that gone global. Doubtless, this has come with some delay – and perhaps there has been a certain difficulty in knowing how to tell our story. But, upon closer inspection clear lines of identity do emerge. There is also, then, a further question driving this issue what forces can Italy really count on, in the world of present day art? 
The first issue of the magazine, in its printed version, is on sale at emporium.treccani. 

Open door

the magazine accepts the submission of critical essays on 21st-century Italian art by young critics aged under 35 and reserves the right to consider them for publication.