Paesaggio/Luca Vitone and Donato Piccolo

Paesaggio is one of the two exhibition cycles of the program Quotidiana at the Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi conceived and produced by La Quadriennale di Roma in collaboration with Roma Culture, Rome’s Superintendency for Cultural Heritage. Its aim is to explore a number of significant trends in 21st-century Italian art.

Every two months, six curators (three Italian and three foreign) reflect on artistic trajectories of particular interest through a critical text and an exhibition of a few essential works.

The sixth exhibition of Paesaggio, from 7 July March to 3 September 2023, is dedicated to Luca Vitone (Genoa, 1964) and Donato Piccolo (Rome, 1976) and it is introduced by an essay by Gaia Bobò, the Curator-in-residence at La Quadriennale in which she  analyzes the work of some Italian artists whose work establishes a balance between individual fragility and that particular instability that is reflected in the processes of erosion of the landscape, understood as a set of anthropic and natural elements. The concept of auto-destruction or the human tendency to annihilation becomes a possible key for grasping the spirit of the processes of disintegration that affect our everyday life. The essay can be read by clicking here.

Io, Villa Adriana (2018 – 2021) is a pictorial cycle by Luca Vitone that exploits the action of atmospheric agents on the canvas. This  creates a remarkable self-portrait of the place, in which the disintegration of natural elements, as of those belonging to our cultural history, seems to be subject to a universal principle of entropy.

In Il sogno di Turner (2012), Donato Piccolo artificially reproduces a hurricane by making it a sculptural object. He invites the visitor to establish an empathic relationship with a meteorological phenomenon that becomes a mirror of a condition of crisis.

The exhibition venue is the Museo di Roma-Palazzo Braschi (Piazza di San Pantaleo, 10/Piazza Navona, 2). The admission is free without reservation. Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 – 19.00