The Quadriennale di Roma is the national institution entrusted with the task of promoting Italian contemporary art in Italy and abroad.

Our name is linked to the Art Quadriennale, that is, the four-yearly exhibition that takes stock of the most up-to-date trends in Italy’s visual arts whose latest edition, entitled ‘2020 Art Quadriennale FUORI’, ended on 18 July 2021 at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni.

However, our mission also includes ongoing programming featuring other exhibition initiatives, research and documentation services, publications, seminars, training courses, presentations, awards and workshops covering all forms of expression that, in one way or another, relate to the contemporary visual arts. Since 2018, the programming has been entrusted to an Artistic Director.

The Quadriennale Archive Library (Archivio Biblioteca della Quadriennale, ArBiQ) is central to all activities and ensures continuity and rigour in the Institution’s cultural activities. ArBIQ safeguards and enhances a fundamental documentary collection on 20th- and 21st-century Italian art consisting of material produced by the Quadriennale over its 95 years of activity and obtained from a number of other funds. The documentary collection can also be consulted entirely online: the archival funds are described analytically, and the library catalogue is part of the Italian National Library Service.

The Quadriennale is a foundation owned by the Italian Ministry of Culture, the Municipality of Rome and the Lazio Region. It was founded in 1927 as a periodical exhibition and was established as an autonomous body in 1937.

governance bodies

Luca Beatrice

board of directors
Katia Gruppioni
Clara Tosi
Lorenzo Zichichi
Giancarlo Abete

board of auditors
being completed

Vincenzo Moretta, president
Fabrizio Valenza
Raffaele Scognamiglio, deputy auditor

director general
Ilaria Della Torre
artistic director
Gian Maria Tosatti
exhibitions office
Federica Guida
library archive
Assunta Porciani
Alessandro Sagramora
Alessandro Sandorfi
communication and external relations
Ilaria Della Torre
Paola Mondini
Flavia Lanari
Laura Pugliese
logistic and security
Valentina Testoni
Alessia Natale

As part of its external relations policies, 2020 saw the Quadriennale establish a procedure for granting patronage, as a sign of further openness to proposals for cultural enhancement coming from non-profit organisations. Within this context, patronage is intended as a form of formal recognition aimed at expressing symbolic support for initiatives produced by third parties. For the Quadriennale, the granting of patronage is one of the “tools for fostering organic contact among the Foundation, the national and international cultural system, the relevant operators and the public” (Art. 3 of the Statute).
Patronage may be granted for initiatives such as exhibitions, reviews, publications, seminars, study days, conferences, research, etc.. Preference is given to the coverage of key figures and/or events in the history of the Institution, as documented in the Archive Library. The granting of patronage is regulated by a set of rules establishing the application procedure, the requirements for applicants and initiatives. The granting of patronage by the Board of Directors of the Quadriennale does not give the right to financial contributions from the Foundation. For further information:


The Quadriennale, which is a private-law body under public control overseen by the Italian Ministry of Culture, identifies sponsors in compliance with Articles 19 and 151 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 50 of 18 April 2016 and subsequent amendments and additions, which contain the Public Contracts Code.
Being a sponsor of the Quadriennale’s cultural initiatives affords opportunities for communication, marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility, with the possibility of developing new and creative projects that meet the needs and strategies of the partners. Should you require further information and wish to initiate a dialogue with a view to proposing an agreement, please write to We will be happy to contact you as soon as possible. However, we are already providing basic guidelines on how to submit expressions of interest. All interested parties can send their proposals to the quadriennalediroma@pec.itaddress by providing details of the proposer, indications on the subject of the sponsorship (including annual partnership, sponsorship of the Foundation’s sectors or areas of activity, sponsorship of the Art Quadriennale) and the financial and technical nature of the sponsorship. In the event of a single expression of interest, the Foundation reserves the right to proceed with direct negotiations. In the case of multiple bids, should these not be compatible, the Foundation will proceed by restricted invitational negotiation in which the conditions of participation and the award criteria will be detailed.