21st-Century Italian Art Scholarship

The ‘Panorama dell’arte italiana del XXI secolo’ (Panorama of 21st-Century Italian Art) scholarship focuses on the main artists working in Italy from 2000 to the present day, on the elements connecting the research of artists and curators, on theoretical perspectives and practical results, on the relations between Italian and international art, and on a timeline of major exhibitions and events.

Alessandra Franetovich‘s research, entitled Tra la periferia e il centro: l’arte italiana alla svolta della Global Art History (Between the Periphery and the Centre: Italian Art at the Turning Point of Global Art History), will focus on the definition of geographical areas and the artists belonging to them. Through a series of interviews with the leading figures of the areas identified and archive research conducted at the most important cultural institutions, Franetovich intends to outline the main styles, genres and trends of contemporary Italian art, starting from Turin – her place of residence – and then moving on to Tuscany, Liguria, Bologna, Modena, Milan, Venice and north-eastern Italy, and Rome; the journey will end in the south, passing through Naples, Palermo, Apulia and Sardinia.

Alessandra Franetovich received her PhD in History of the Arts from the University of Florence in February 2022, as part of a joint PhD programme with the University of Pisa and the University of Siena. She works as an art critic for contemporary art journals, including ‘e-flux journal’, New York (2019; 2020); ‘Centre for experimental museology’, v-a-c, Moscow (2020; writing for 2022); ‘Cosmic Bulletin’, (2020 and 2021). She is an expert in Contemporary Art History for the Bachelor’s degree course in Cultural Heritage Science and the Master’s degree course in History and Forms of Visual Arts, Performing Arts and New Media at the University of Pisa. She is also the scientific director and curator of Festival Cantieri Aperti, which is held at Museo Gigi Guadagnucci, Massa.
