Digital Art in Italy Scholarship

The ‘Ricognizione sull’arte digitale italiana’ (Survey on Italian Digital Art) scholarship focuses on the field of digital arts in Italy and the perspectives of the latest artistic trends (artificial intelligence, virtual reality, NFTs, etc.). Vincenzo Estremo proposed an investigation into the theoretical-conceptual definition ofCyberproletariat as the Neoplebs, Creative Class, Elite, and digital image and digital work. After an initial archival and curatorial research phase, his analysis will be structured in a Call for Artists on contemporary media and in two public restitutions.

Vincenzo Estremo received his International PhD in Audiovisual Studies: Cinema, Music and Communication in 2017, under the joint supervision of the University of Udine and Kunstuniversität Linz. He teaches Media Phenomenology at the Accademia Ligustica in Genoa, Aesthetics at the San Raffaele Roma 5 Telematic University, Multimedia Design at NABA and Integrated Media Techniques at the IED in Turin. He has authored numerous books and publications, the most recent of which are Teoria del lavoro reputazionale (Theory of Reputational Labour), Milan 2020; Cinema Arte Performance (Cinema Art Performance), Milan 2018; Extended Temporalities. Transient Visions in the Museum and in Art, Milan 2016.