Portfolio/Alessio Barchitta

Portfolio is one of the two exhibition cycles of the program Quotidiana at the Museo di Roma- Palazzo Braschi conceived and produced by La Quadriennale di Roma in collaboration with Roma Culture, Rome’s Superintendency for Cultural Heritage. Its aim is to explore a number of significant trends in 21st-century Italian art.

Once a month, eleven artists under the age of 35 are presented in the exhibition with a single work. Their research is narrated in a portfolio developed by the Curator-in-residence at La Quadriennale.

The first exhibition of Portfolio,(16 September to 9 October 2022), is dedicated to Alessio Barchitta (Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, 1991), con una panoramica sulla sua ricerca che, servendosi di materiali di scarto dal passato fortemente connotato, attiva connessioni tra diverse latitudini e identità culturali.

The exhibition venue is the Museo di Roma-Palazzo Braschi (Piazza di San Pantaleo, 10/Piazza Navona, 2). The admission is free without reservation. Opening hours: from Tuesday to Sunday 10.00 – 19.00