Preparing for the 2016 Rome Art Quadriennale: the exhibition curators have been appointed

Rome, 8th February 2016 – The Rome Quadriennale Foundation and Azienda Speciale Palaexpo have announced the curators of the 16th Rome Art Quadriennale: Michele D’Aurizio,Luigi Fassi, Simone Frangi, Luca Lo Pinto, Matteo Lucchetti, Marta Papini, Cristiana Perrella, Domenico Quaranta, Denis Viva, Simone Ciglia and Luigia Lonardelli (the last two participated together).

Their names were chosen on the basis of the presentation of a detailed project on the visual arts in post-Millennium Italy, following a competition by invitation announced last September and addressed to sixty-nine curators from the younger generations.

The selection of the ten projects, among the 37 received,  was made by a multidisciplinary Commission of experts composed of Marco Belpoliti, Nicola Di Battista, Maria Grazia Messina, Giuseppe Penone and Angela Vettese. The selected proposals were those that appeared to offer the best overall representation of the panorama of Italian art over the last fifteen years, while also offering an important perspective on the curators’ cultural references and process of professional development.

We have now entered the next phase, when the curators will work together to organize the 16th exhibition. The objective is to share their various projects, focusing on the content of the exhibition in all its multifarious fields, approaches and attitudes, deciding on the works in dialogue with the artists, and working out the exhibition set up together with the commissioning body.

The next event will be the national press conference in April, when the names of the invited artists will be announced. The exhibition will open its doors in mid-October 2016 at the Palazzo delleEsposizioni.

The Quadriennale, founded in 1927, is the national institution allocated the task of promoting contemporary Italian art by means of a grand exhibition held every four years, in order to display the trends in our visual arts. The exhibition is returning eight years after the previous edition, having been suspended for lack of funds, and will have a format that allows interaction between public and private.

For further information contact:
Elena Di Giovanni – Comin & Partners
T. +39 06 89169407 M +39 3351279624

Alberto Scotti – Comin & Partners
T. +39 06 89169407 M + 39 3408463840

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Brief biographies of the curators selected for the 16th Art Quadriennale